Sunday, January 18, 2009

That Metaphor

I have no problem with coming up with a ton of things to do and saying I'll do them all but then not actually do most of them. Is that basically a rewording of that metaphor about aiming for the stars? I think it's important to vocalize all your ideas, even if they seem unlikely to occur because there is a better chance that they will be remembered, (by anyone even), and they may eventually evolve into something. Not sure if I got that across properly. I've just thought about it several times about how I do make lots of plans for projects but complete almost none of them. No regrets.

A micro-dream that I had briefly last night before falling asleep for the long slumber. I had only been out for a minute or so and then I woke up and realized that it was a funny dream but doubted very much I would remember it through to the morning. But I did remember it. I was hanging out with a friend and he needed change for a 20 dollar bill, for something, can't remember. He asked me if I could 'bend' it, which in my dream was actually a well-accepted term for breaking it into smaller change. I couldn't. So he suggested we go to a nearby convenience store to get a 'bender', which was another common term in the dream used to describe a relatively cheap product that is purchased for the sole reason of breaking a larger bill into smaller change. That's it. I actually really like those terms and will try to use them more in the future.

I haven't posted anything here for a long time. It's been difficult to motivate myself, even though it takes very little time and is also a great way to back up ideas. I'll try harder.

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