Monday, February 25, 2008

Apples Vs. Oranges

Which is better? The apple or the orange? There isn't a straight up one or the other answer, as usual it entirely depends on the context. By itself, I would say the orange is superior. Oranges can be sweeter and have a beautiful texture. They are also juicy, something that most apples do not excel in. Now, oranges have several disadvantages. Being juicy makes them much messier to eat than an apple. One can eat an apple without getting sticky fingers, but it is exceedingly difficult to do so with an orange. Oranges also have a peel that generally needs to be removed. This slows down the process of consuming the orange and I know for myself I have gone with apples precisely because I didn't want to have to spend time peeling my fruit before eating it. Lastly, I would argue that oranges don't mix with nearly as many other foods as apples do. Apples can be baked into a pie for example, but I have never heard of an orange pie. In conclusion I would say oranges are the better fruit, but apples beat them simply by their universal accessibility and ease of use.

What did the paper say to the cloth?

"Wow, you can fold in every direction and you don't really get crease marks. That's awesome."

Again that was not a joke. Yesterday's post will explain exactly what was going on there.

Oh, I almost forgot about the picture for today.
I managed to draw a figure and then I couldn't figure out what else to add, so I just went ahead with the titles. It is less interesting to look at but I think it still works. The writing also takes up lots of space which is helpful.

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