Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is the first time I titled the post after writing it! It is also becoming a ridiculously long title! This will not happen again anytime soon!

Today I accidentally pinched my hand while lifting two really heavy tiles. I got a sweet blood blister. There is a bubble of blood below the skin in my hand now. It's kind of gross but also kind of cool. This makes me think of perhaps posting the most painful thing that happened to me all day each day. I'll give it a try starting tomorrow, for today's pain.

I also made the decision to buy more guitars today. Two more to be exact. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm not sure if I need them, but they will definitely be fun.

In geek news, apparently there will be a live-action star wars tv show starting next year. I don't really watch tv anymore, and I realize that this is just a play to make EVEN MORE money from the star wars franchise, but I want to see this. It could be really cool. Star wars is difficult to make uncool in my star wars-loving opinion. I guess we'll see if George Lucas can recover any of his cred*.

Here's the drawing of the day.
It's darker than the others. Themes of death and crying suggest a pessimistic mood, but I am actually just tired. I feel pretty good otherwise.

I think tomorrow is the last day that I said I would do drawings but I think I may try to keep it up. It's fun. It also takes attention away from lack of other significant content.

*I'm pretty sure 'cred' is slang for credentials.

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