I've been meaning to bring this up but I forgot the last few days when I got to writing. I was working the other day, and I haven't actually 'worked' in a while. I started to feel pretty good. The work wasn't especially fun, and it was manual labour, but I felt like I was doing something good. That got me thinking about whether humans naturally enjoy being productive or whether it is something we have learned from a production based society. Our primary value to society as individuals is our productivity, so it makes sense that we have been taught that work should be rewarding. But if we weren't raised under such a system would we still think so? It's hard to say by looking at other species. So many insects are crazy hard workers, and its all they do, but they are also arguably the least intelligent creatures. If we look at larger mammals they basically sit around and eat when they need to. I would have a hard time thinking of any larger mammal that I would call 'productive'. Perhaps we just value productivity because it is necessary for our survival, but it is interesting that we can derive such satisfaction from wearing ourselves out working.
New music canada is such a great site. I could go on describing how much it has to offer, but I would just recommend checking it out. It is great for music makers and music listeners alike.
I don't think I'm going to do a picture today. It's getting late and I just want to get this stuff posted. Maybe I'll do pictures on weekdays only, or only 5 per week or something.
Chopping wood is incredibly satisfying. I doubt I would want to do it all the time, but it is enjoyable at first to be sure. It would probably be great exercise to do it all the time though. I might give it a shot if I had enough wood to chop.
I'm going to eat a lot of pizza tomorrow. I feel bad eating more than I need to, but I'm sure there are worse things I could do with food, like not eating it.
Edit: Oops, I just realized I said I was going to try noting my most painful experience each day and I haven't been doing that. Today I accidentally smashed a large piece of wood into my foot while trying to get it off of my axe. That hurt but not too much. I guess I was lucky today. Yesterday it was probably getting kind of squished in a mosh pit, but that was mostly annoying. Getting other people's sweat all over me was much worse I think.
why is there an apostrophe in the title
Because I made a grammatical error. Thank you Tim. I will change that now. I was going to try to bullshit some other excuse but I couldn't think of a not-stupid explanation so I'll admit I made a mistake.
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