Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm In Bad Shape

It's all too true. I am not fit. I'm a fat guy in a thin guy's body. I don't get close to enough exercise. Evaluating my priorities I think that exercise is definitely something that I want but for whatever reason I don't get enough. I think it's difficult for me to jump right into a good routine for daily exercise, especially when I'm busy and every day is really different. I'm hoping that with weather warming up I might be more encouraged to get some activity going. I need help with this too. Please suggest playing sports to me if we are trying to figure out what to do. I love playing tennis but I think I would play any sport if the people are fun. I just really need to get back into moving around. I could very easily be one of those 22 year olds that dies from a heart attack. I know I may not look it, but I am probably in some of the worst shape of my life. I blame my super sore back injury on being out of shape too. If I had been in better shape when I had done my mid-air twisting dodgeball throw I'm sure it wouldn't have tweaked my lower back like that. I'm not saying I'm going to get into great shape now, but I am saying I would like to try, and I need help. Exercising alone is not fun most of the time.

I had a strange dream where there was a fairy or something granting people wishes. I think it was actually just some woman who may or may not have had wings. She asked me what I wanted to wish for and I asked what the restrictions were. She said that if I wanted an awesome dance party with all my friends it was probably beyond her power. I was disappointed but realized what I really wanted was some toast with the tastiest spread ever all over it. She said she was out of toast. I was not impressed. I asked her what she suggested I wish for. I can't remember what she said but the whole event reminded me of going to a bad restaurant and then ordering something that sounds great and being told that they can't do that item, and then being told that only the desert menu is still available.

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