Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm No Word Processing Expert

I was writing a paper for school today and not having an especially great time. I was doing what I could to procrastinate every five/ten minutes, but I think I was making some good progress. Then, all of a sudden I notice something I want to change just a sentence earlier. I click and go back. Then I start typing, expecting the text to move to make room for what I am adding. No such luck. It's just writing over what I had before, each letter I type eats the next one in line. This is no good. Now normally I know just what to do, hit the insert button and I'm good again. I'm not sure how the problem started in the first place, but when I look at the keyboard I notice there is no insert button. In its place is a 'help' button. I can tell you, pushing that button certainly did not help. I tried tons of button combinations. I scoured the word menus several times, and then again. I asked the help menu that popped up when I pushed the help button. I searched google with the only words I knew, insert delete word. I found a forum discussing a problem similar to mine, but still it took some time before I could figure it out. Maybe I was just not thinking properly at the time, or maybe this stupid keyboard should have an insert button, but it must have wasted at least 20 minutes of my time. I didn't really talk about the time I spent just sitting there swearing, but it was considerable. I like to think I'm good with computers, but this is a bit of a blow to my ego. Oh well, it's only word.

To further my frustration today, I still had no running water for a long time. I felt pretty gross. No shower, no washing my hands in fresh running water. It was not enjoyable. I decided the day would just be a bad day, I would be unclean, I would wear sweatpants, I would not leave the house, and I would work on my paper. I think the worst part was having clammy hands from not being able to wash them properly. I got into a bit of a cranky mood. I haven't written a paper in a while, so it could have been that too. When we got the water back around 5 and I had a shower a little later I felt like a billion dollars again. I know I will cherish this water for at least a few days now before I go back to simply finding it useful. Sorry about my bitching about the no water. You could always use it vicariously to better appreciate the amazing plumbing that I'm sure you're enjoying right now.

There's a magazine sitting on a shelf here and I just read the cover the other day. It said 'The Running Issue". I was really confused by that. It showed a picture of a middle aged woman smiling and jogging. She didn't look like anything was wrong. I couldn't figure out what the issue was with running, I figured it was probably hard on people's knees. Today I had the epiphany that 'issue' was actually referring to the magazine, not a problem. Everything came together for me. I'll admit I feel a little bit stupid for making a mistake like that, but consider this as well: maybe I'm just so used to the media presenting negative stories that I immediately assumed it was another one of those. You have to agree, the news is almost always bad.

Dream time, two funny stories, though I'm sure there were more. I had a really fast flashback eating dinner tonight but it was gone again like that. I wish I could get a fuller outline of the night's dreams sometime.

The first dream, I am hanging out with my friend who is currently at school in Ontario. We often play sports together and go on bike rides when he's around. In my dream he's back here in Vancouver and we decide to go roller blading. I never roller blade, which is probably why my understanding of it in the dream is so mixed up, though it is also strange that I would dream about it in the first place. I have some old roller blades in a closet so I pull them out and we go. We're going off road a lot through a forest trail. I remember being surprised how easy the ride is going over mulch and gravel and dirt and everything you could find in a forest. I'm not gliding too much, most of it feels like walking, but walking like I am pretending to roller blade. I get worried about a few steep parts but everything goes fine. We get back to my place and then we decide to go play tennis. My brother is going to join us. My brother and I are both going to play against my friend, and we are going to wear roller blades while doing it. Nothing seems strange about this, it's basically the same as roller hockey or something like that as far as we're concerned. We start to go but then realize my roller blades are sucking. The wheels are all deformed and flat. I pull the whole thing apart and the wheels turn out to be really cheap and hollow plastic. I wonder how I had been riding on them before and figure out that I was actually just mostly walking the whole time. I try to put the roller blades back together but give up because they are cheap anyways and old and they won't work anymore.

The other dream, I'm at Red Robin's with a couple of friends for lunch. We order burgers and are sitting around eating and talking. When we finish we stay there and keep getting bottom orange crush refills and bottomless fries refills. There must have been some time lapse somewhere because before too long I notice it is around 8pm already. We've been there all afternoon and now it is later evening. I suddenly notice two servers standing nearby watching us anxiously. I suddenly realize they want us to leave because we have been there forever and they haven't been making any more money from us eating and drinking on free refills. I tell my friends we should go so we get the bill. I pay in cash and though I don't think it actually was a great tip, both me and the server think it is a generous tip. There's a nickel sitting on the table for some reason and she doesn't want it because its not very much and she is getting a good tip anyways, so she gives the nickel to me. I put it in my mouth and test it with my teeth. I'm getting ready to swallow it because that is what I do with small change. I don't want it taking up space in my wallet. Then the server says she doesn't think I should swallow it. I was thinking the same thing because I was very familiar with the sensation of swallowing nickels and it is not pleasant so I pull it out of my mouth and put it in my wallet after all. Oh well, I just couldn't go through with swallowing another nickel. After everything I ate, I think the nickel is the only thing I actually tasted.

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